Ritmomoderno lab by Dario Rossi
Electronic music workshop where you will discover new sounds from simple tools and everyday objects. Bring an object, chopsticks, construction scraps and you will be surprised. For info and reservations write to: dariorossibooking@gmail.com
More info →Ritmomoderno lab by Dario Rossi
Electronic music workshop where you will discover new sounds from simple tools and everyday objects. Bring an object, chopsticks, construction scraps and you will be surprised. For info and reservations write to: dariorossibooking@gmail.com
More info →Ritmomoderno lab by Dario Rossi
Electronic music workshop where you will discover new sounds from simple tools and everyday objects. Bring an object, chopsticks, construction scraps and you will be surprised. For info and reservations write to: dariorossibooking@gmail.com
More info →Ritmomoderno lab by Dario Rossi
Electronic music workshop where you will discover new sounds from simple tools and everyday objects. Bring an object, chopsticks, construction scraps and you will be surprised. For info and reservations write to: dariorossibooking@gmail.com
More info →An hour to write a song together
Si può scrivere una canzone in un'ora soltanto? Vi aspettiamo per scoprirlo insieme, muniti di idee e perché no di strumenti musicali. Un'ora da vivere insieme per scoprire che la musica può essere un gioco di condivisione e che non per forza bisogna conoscere le note per poter creare qualcosa di...
More info →Ritmomoderno lab by Dario Rossi
Electronic music workshop where you will discover new sounds from simple tools and everyday objects. Bring an object, chopsticks, construction scraps and you will be surprised. For info and reservations write to: dariorossibooking@gmail.com
Ritorna il tradizionale mercatino di artigianato artistico organizzato da CNA Ferrara in Largo Castello: una selezionatissima offerta di banchi di alta qualità.
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