To be mindful of the Earth, to be able to not forget where we come from by caring for Nature and our fellow human beings. This is not just a principle.
This is a WAY OF BEING.
The Ferrara Buskers Festival, after receiving important awards including the Cultura in Verde Award and the Ecofeste Award, is the first event in Italy to be certified ISO 20121 with the Ecofestival project which, from this edition, evolves into BGreen.
To confirm what has been done up to now, the differentiated collection and zero paper goal is maintained and the reduction of plastic is started, providing important information on how to improve one's lifestyle through fingerprinting or correct disposal of cigarette butts.
The Ferrara Buskers Festival has already stood out for the cleaning of the concert areas, the very low acoustic impact and the zero paper project.
In collaboration with HERA, Friday For Future, Plastic Free, Legambiente.
The world is wonderful. We will do everything to keep it that way.