27-31 Agosto


Here you can buy ticket for the next edition of Ferrara Buskers Festival.

Event will be near the Castle, in new venues where there is also Corso Ercole I d'Este.

From 4 pm to 8 pm there will be workshop, masterclass, talk , expositions, with reservation and until full capacity.

From 8 pm to Midnight there will be buskers' Show
Concerts and performances

From Midnight, AfterParty at Parco Massari
until full capacity

The entrance ticket allows us to support the Ferrara Buskers Festival and preserve an event focused on street art.

Thanks to your support, we are able to keep intact a festival that offers exclusive performances from around the world, in a unique historical contest: the (beautiful) street of Ferrara.

Discover here The Growing Festival

Free entry for children up  to 12 years old

1 - Day Pass

1- Day Pass

12 h for music, talk, workshop and live shows

€ 11
1 - Day Reduced Pass

Special reduced price for under 30 (4 friends), under 18 and family with a kid, people with disabilities. Free for CareGiver, kids under 12.

€ 8
Family Friends

3 - Day Pass

3 - Day Pass (21st - 23rd Aug)

3 days of Festivan no stop, music, talk and live shows.Valid ticket from 21st to 23rd August

€ 24

Full Festival Pass

5-Day Pass (21–25 agosto)

Vivi tutta l'esperienza del Festival senza perdere nemmeno un appuntamento.

€ 35

Are you a bigger group more of 10 persons? Please, write us by email to biglietti@ferrarabuskers.org and we will give your best solution.